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Managerial Accounting

Enhanced Cost Tracking and Allocation for Better Decisions.

A spreadsheet can tally and allocate costs, but that won’t do for complex contracts. Our managerial accounting solutions focus on more accurate personnel and indirect costs, then match to 606 revenue.

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More Than Number Crunching.

Managerial Accounting Solutions That Meet Your Needs.

Dassian’s managerial accounting solutions are broken down into four components, each designed to help you keep better track of costs and more accurately allocate them. Ultimately, when matched with our ASC 606 revenue calculations, you’re able to analyze margins that are characteristic of your contract and make better decisions going forward. 

The four managerial accounting solutions are: 

  • Actual labor costing 
  • Workforce authorization management 
  • Financial planning & analysis 
  • Results analysis processing 

Upgraded Data for Decision Making.

Improved Planning, Monitoring, and Controlling.

With Dassian’s managerial accounting solutions, you get more and better data that can lead to better decision making and enhanced contract performance. Our actual labor costing solution calculates a truer employee rate, while our financial planning and analysis solution finetunes the science of matching indirect costs with projects. Dassian’s workforce authorization management solution leads to enhanced labor charging and travel expense assignment. Our results analysis processing solution ensures compliance with ASC 606 revenue standards and provides margin analysis data that meets contract characteristics.

Our Managerial Accounting Solutions.

Projects Live and Die by Cost Allocation. Choose the Solution that Ensures Yours Thrive.

Calculating a Truer Employee Rate

Dassian’s actual labor costing solution helps you calculate a truer employee labor cost by accounting for all direct costs, such as salary, other wages, and benefits, as well as premium or fringe costs, such as overtime hours. 

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Manage Personnel and Authorize Labor Charging

Our workforce authorization management solution helps you control time charges and travel expenses. It helps you keep track of labor per charge code and simplifies travel and expense accounting. 

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Meeting the Challenge of Indirect Cost Allocation

Our financial planning & analysis solution works to get you more comprehensive control over project costs, especially indirect ones. This solution is designed to hone indirect and allocated costs to better approximate actual and also provides actionable analytics for evaluating variances. 

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606 Revenue Determination and Margin Analysis

ASC 606 can be complicated. With our results analysis planning solution, you can be confident that you have complied these revenue recognition and cost capitalization rules. Then through our solution, you can specify contract characteristics for margin analysis.

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Don’t Let Cost Allocation Sink Your Project

Improper or wrong cost allocation can lead to a host of problems, from bad financials to a future lost opportunity. If your manual processes or legacy system are holding you back, contact us today to learn how our managerial accounting solutions can help.

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Need Help Transitioning?

Our co-innovation services can help you transition from an outdated custom system to one that integrates with SAP and brings your company into the digital age. We provide guidance throughout the development process and help you leverage your SAP investment. 

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