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Pillar: Program Management

Planning and Controlling Costs and Resources on a Program Level.

When you run a project-centric business, you juggle resources across contracts and spend time allocating costs to multiple jobs. Within Dassian’s integrated suite is our program plans and controls solution. This automated and integrated solution provides real-time data so you can effectively plan and control resources and costs across your enterprise – not just project by project. Forecasting and analyzing performance on a program level becomes a breeze. 

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Creating Efficiencies 

Enhanced Data and Fewer Redundancies. 

Planning and controlling your costs and resources on a project is essential, but unless you are a one-contract company you need the ability to effectively and efficiently manage these across your enterprise. Our program plans and controls solution enhances data quality and integrity with real-time capabilities. With our solution project costs and resources can be integrated at a program level, thus improving productivity by minimizing redundant data entry and other back-office tasks. 

Extending SAP 

Integrated Across Contract Lifecycle and the Enterprise.

Our program plans and controls solution integrates with SAP business applications, and includes intuitive and simplified user interfaces. Program managers will spend less time and effort managing and controlling projects. Our solution is efficient across contract lifecycles, from design and development to the manufacturing phase and beyond. The solution also includes a visual integrated risk management capability. 

Planning and Control for Project-Centric Businesses.

When you run a business, controlling and planning costs and resources across your enterprise is crucial. Our integrated suite’s program plans and control solution can help. 

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